source) + ヶ + @Links (UTF-8化) (source)
+ 空白 (source) + vanish.js(2008/09/21) (source) + 擬古猫 暫'; # 掲示板スクリプトのURL(相対パス可) #$CONF['CGIURL'] = './index1.php'; /* 起動 */ // エラー出力レベルを設定 error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); if ($CONF['RUNMODE'] == 2) { # print 'この掲示板は現在停止中です。'; # exit(); } /* ホスト名によるアクセス禁止処理 */ if (Func::hostname_match($CONF['HOSTNAME_BANNED'],$CONF['HOSTAGENT_BANNED'])) { # print 'この掲示板は現在停止中です。'; # print 'ホスト名によるアクセス禁止中です。'; # exit(); #20200809 猫・spam送り $CONF['IPREC'] = '2'; $CONF['CGIURL'] = './spam.php'; $CONF['LOGFILENAME'] = './ng.log'; $CONF['OLDLOGFILEDIR']='./ng/'; $CONF['ZIPDIR' ]= './ngarc/'; $CONF['BBSTITLE']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; $CONF['BBSTITLE2']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; //ログファイル //src = $log_fl = "ban".date("Ym").".csv"; // 日時 $log_ln[0] = date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ); // ページのURL $log_ln[1] = str_replace ( ",", ",", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ); // リファラー $log_ln[2] = str_replace ( ",", ",", $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ); // IPアドレス $log_ln[3] = str_replace ( ",", ",", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ); // ホスト名 $log_ln[4] = str_replace ( ",", ",", @gethostbyaddr ( $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ) ); // ブラウザ $log_ln[5] = str_replace ( ",", ",", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] ); if ( $csv = @fopen ( $log_fl, "a" ) ) { $ln = implode ( ",", $log_ln )."\n"; fwrite ( $csv, $ln ); fclose ( $csv ); } else { //echo "error"; } } // インクルードファイルパス /** * 過去ログ検索モジュール * @const PHP_GETLOG */ define('PHP_GETLOG', './sub/bbslog.php'); /** * 管理モジュール * @const PHP_BBSADMIN */ define('PHP_BBSADMIN', './sub/bbsadmin.php'); /** * iモード版モジュール * @const PHP_IMODE */ define('PHP_IMODE', './sub/bbsimode.php'); /** * EZweb版モジュール * @const PHP_HDML */ define('PHP_HDML', './sub/bbsezweb.php'); /** * ツリービューモジュール * @const PHP_TREEVIEW */ define('PHP_TREEVIEW', './sub/bbstree.php'); /** * 画像アップロード機能つきBBSモジュール * @const PHP_IMAGEBBS */ define('PHP_IMAGEBBS', './sub/bbsimage.php'); /** * 日本語文字コードライブラリ * @const LIB_JCODE */ define('LIB_JCODE', './sub/jcode-LE.php'); /** * HTMLテンプレートライブラリ * @const LIB_TEMPLATE */ define('LIB_TEMPLATE', './sub/patTemplate.php'); /** * Zipファイル作成ライブラリ * @const LIB_PHPZIP */ define('LIB_PHPZIP', './sub/'); /** * ファイルインクルード検出用定数 * @const INCLUDED_FROM_BBS */ define('INCLUDED_FROM_BBS', TRUE); /** * 現在時刻定数 * @const CURRENT_TIME */ define('CURRENT_TIME', time() - $CONF['DIFFTIME'] * 60 * 60 + $CONF['DIFFSEC']); /* 実行 */ { require_once(LIB_JCODE); require_once(LIB_TEMPLATE); script_run(); } /** * スクリプト実行メイン処理 * * モジュールの分岐は基本的にここに記述してください。 */ function script_run() { $CONF = &$GLOBALS['CONF']; # 機種判別によるモジュール分岐 $uatype = Func::get_uatype(FALSE); if ($uatype == 'i' and $_GET['m'] != 'i' and $_POST['m'] != 'i') { $_GET['im'] = $_GET['m']; $_POST['im'] = $_POST['m']; $_GET['m'] = 'i'; $_POST['m'] = 'i'; } else if ($uatype == 'h' and $_GET['m'] != 'h' and $_POST['m'] != 'h') { $_GET['hm'] = $_GET['m']; $_POST['hm'] = $_POST['m']; $_GET['m'] = 'h'; $_POST['m'] = 'h'; } # パスワード設定画面 (bbsadmin.php) if ($CONF['ADMINPOST'] == '') { require_once(PHP_BBSADMIN); $bbsadmin = new Bbsadmin(); $bbsadmin->procForm(); $bbsadmin->refcustom(); $bbsadmin->setusersession(); if ($_POST['ad'] == 'ps') { $bbsadmin->prtpass($_POST['ps']); } else { $bbsadmin->prtsetpass(); } } # iモード版 else if ($_GET['m'] == 'i' or $_POST['m'] == 'i') { require_once(PHP_IMODE); $imode = new Imode(); $imode->main(); } # EZweb版 else if ($_GET['m'] == 'h' or $_POST['m'] == 'h') { require_once(PHP_HDML); $hdml = new Hdml(); $hdml->main(); } # 過去ログ検索モード (sub/bbslog.php) else if ($_GET['m'] == 'g' or $_POST['m'] == 'g') { require_once(PHP_GETLOG); $getlog = new Getlog(); $getlog->main(); } # 管理モード (sub/bbsadmin.php) else if ($_POST['m'] == 'ad') { if ($CONF['ADMINPOST'] and $CONF['ADMINKEY'] and $_POST['v'] == $CONF['ADMINKEY'] and crypt($_POST['u'], $CONF['ADMINPOST']) == $CONF['ADMINPOST']) { require_once(PHP_BBSADMIN); $bbsadmin = new Bbsadmin(); $bbsadmin->main(); } else if ($CONF['BBSMODE_IMAGE'] == 1) { require_once(PHP_IMAGEBBS); $imagebbs = new Imagebbs(); $imagebbs->main(); } else { $bbs = new Bbs(); $bbs->main(); } } # ツリービュー (sub/bbstree.php) else if ($_GET['m'] == 'tree' or $_POST['m'] == 'tree') { require_once(PHP_TREEVIEW); $treeview = new Treeview(); $treeview->main(); } # 画像掲示板 (sub/bbsimage.php) else if ($CONF['BBSMODE_IMAGE'] == 1) { require_once(PHP_IMAGEBBS); $imagebbs = new Imagebbs(); $imagebbs->main(); } # 掲示板モード (bbs.php) else { $bbs = new Bbs(); $bbs->main(); } exit(); } /** * 基底Webアプリケーションクラス Webapp * * 各モードのスーパークラスです。各モードに共通する処理を記述します。 * * @package strangeworld.cnscript * @access public */ class Webapp { var $c; /* 設定情報 */ var $f; /* フォーム入力 */ var $s = array(); /* 投稿者ホストなどのセッション固有情報 */ var $t; /* HTMLテンプレートオブジェクト */ /** * コンストラクタ * */ function Webapp() { $this->c = &$GLOBALS['CONF']; $this->t = new patTemplate(); $this->t->readTemplatesFromFile($this->c['TEMPLATE']); } /** * デストラクタ */ function destroy() { } /*20210625 猫・2chtrip */ function tripuse($key) { #$tripkey = '#istrip';? //パスワードとする文字列(# 付き) $key = mb_convert_encoding($key, "SJIS", "UTF-8"); // to, from # $key = '#'.substr($key, strpos($key, '#')); # トリップ # $trip は0thelloに使用 $trip = ''; if (preg_match("/([^\#]*)\#(.+)/", $key, $match)) { if (strlen($match[2]) >= 12){ # 新仕様変換 $mark = substr($match[2], 0, 1); if ($mark == '#' || $mark == '$'){ if (preg_match('|^#([[:xdigit:]]{16})([./0-9A-Za-z]{0,2})$|',$match[2],$str)){ $trip = substr(crypt(pack('H*', $str[1]), "$str[2].."), -10); } else { # 将来の拡張用 $trip = '???'; } } else { // $trip = substr(base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($match[2]))), 0, 12); $trip = substr(base64_encode(sha1($match[2],TRUE)),0,12); $trip = str_replace('+','.',$trip); } } else { $salt = substr($match[2]."H.", 1, 2); $salt = preg_replace("/[^\.-z]/", ".", $salt); $salt = strtr($salt,":;<=>?@[\\]^_`","ABCDEFGabcdef"); $trip = substr(crypt($match[2], $salt),-10); } # $match[1] = str_replace("◆", "◇", $match[1]); # $_POST['FROM'] = $match[1]." ◆".$trip.""; $trip ="◆".$trip; } else { $trip = str_replace("◆", "◇", $key); } return $trip; } /** * フォーム取得前処理 */ function procForm() { if (!$this->c['BBSMODE_IMAGE'] and $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > $this->c['MAXMSGSIZE'] * 5) { $this->prterror('投稿内容が大きすぎます。1'); } if ($this->c['BBSHOST'] and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $this->c['BBSHOST']) { $this->prterror('呼び出し元が不正です。'); } # POSTかGETのみに限定 if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $this->f = $_POST; } else { $this->f = $_GET; } # 文字列置換 foreach ($this->f as $name => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach (array_keys($value) as $valuekey) { $value[$valuekey] = Func::html_escape($value[$valuekey]); } } else { $value = Func::html_escape($value); } $this->f[$name] = $value; } } /** * セッション固有情報設定 */ function setusersession() { $this->s['U'] = $this->f['u']; $this->s['I'] = $this->f['i']; $this->s['C'] = $this->f['c']; $this->s['MSGDISP'] = $this->f['d']; $this->s['TOPPOSTID'] = $this->f['p']; # 設定情報Cookie取得 if ($this->c['COOKIE'] and $_COOKIE['c'] and preg_match("/u=([^&]*)&i=([^&]*)&c=([^&]*)/", $_COOKIE['c'], $matches)) { if (!isset($this->f['u'])) { $this->s['U'] = urldecode($matches[1]); } if (!isset($this->f['i'])) { $this->s['I'] = urldecode($matches[2]); } if (!isset($this->f['c'])) { $this->s['C'] = $matches[3]; } } # UNDOボタン用Cookie取得 if ($this->c['COOKIE'] and $this->c['ALLOW_UNDO'] and $_COOKIE['undo'] and preg_match("/p=([^&]*)&k=([^&]*)/", $_COOKIE['undo'], $matches)) { $this->s['UNDO_P'] = $matches[1]; $this->s['UNDO_K'] = $matches[2]; } # デフォルトクエリ $this->s['QUERY'] = "c=".$this->s['C']; if ($this->s['MSGDISP']) { $this->s['QUERY'] .= "&d=".$this->s['MSGDISP']; } if ($this->s['TOPPOSTID']) { $this->s['QUERY'] .= "&p=".$this->s['TOPPOSTID']; } # デフォルトURL $this->s['DEFURL'] = $this->c['CGIURL'] . '?' . $this->s['QUERY']; # テンプレート変数設定 $this->t->addGlobalVars($this->c); $this->t->addGlobalVars($this->s); } /** * エラー表示 * * @access public * @param String $err_message エラーメッセージ */ function prterror($err_message) { $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' エラー'); $this->t->addVar('error', 'ERR_MESSAGE', $err_message); if (isset($this->s['DEFURL'])) { $this->t->setAttribute('backnavi', 'visibility', 'visible'); } $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('error'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); $this->destroy(); exit(); } /** * HTMLヘッダ部分表示 * * @access public * @param String $title HTMLタイトル * @param String $customhead headタグ内のカスタムヘッダ * @param String $customstyle styleタグ内のカスタムスタイルシート * @return String HTMLデータ */ function prthtmlhead($title = "", $customhead = "", $customstyle = "") { $this->t->clearTemplate('header'); $this->t->addVars('header', array( 'TITLE' => $title, 'CUSTOMHEAD' => $customhead, 'CUSTOMSTYLE' => $customstyle, )); $htmlstr = $this->t->getParsedTemplate('header'); return $htmlstr; } /** * HTMLフッタ部分表示 * * @access public * @return String HTMLデータ */ function prthtmlfoot() { if ($this->c['SHOW_PRCTIME'] and $this->s['START_TIME']) { $duration = Func::microtime_diff($this->s['START_TIME'], microtime()); $duration = sprintf("%0.6f", $duration); $this->t->setAttribute('duration', 'visibility', 'visible'); $this->t->addVar('duration', 'DURATION', $duration); } $htmlstr = $this->t->getParsedTemplate('footer'); return $htmlstr; } /** * 著作権表示 */ function prtcopyright() { $copyright = $this->t->getParsedTemplate('copyright'); return $copyright; } /** * METAタグによるリダイレクター出力 * * @access public * @param String $redirecturl リダイレクトするURL */ function prtredirect($redirecturl) { $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' - URLリダイレクト', "\n"); $this->t->addVar('redirect', 'REDIRECTURL', $redirecturl); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('redirect'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * メッセージ表示内容定義 */ function setmessage($message, $mode = 0, $tlog = '') { if (count($message) < 10) { return; } $message['WDATE'] = Func::getdatestr($message['NDATE'], $this->c['DATEFORMAT']); #20200207 擬古猫 span style=タグ有効 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/<span style="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/span>/","$2", $message['MSG']); #20200207 擬古猫 font color="タグ有効 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/<font color="([a-zA-Z#0-9]+)">(.+?)<\/font>/","$2", $message['MSG']); #20200201 擬古猫 font color=タグ有効 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/<font color=([a-zA-Z#0-9]+)>(.+?)<\/font>/","$2", $message['MSG']); #20200809 擬古猫 bタグ有効 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/<([Bb])>(.+?)<\/([Bb])>/","<$1>$2", $message['MSG']); #20200809 擬古猫 iタグ有効 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/<([Ii])>(.+?)<\/([Ii])>/","<$1>$2", $message['MSG']); #20181102 擬古猫 特殊文字をエスケープする $message['MSG'] = str_replace("{","{", $message['MSG']); $message['MSG'] = str_replace("}","}", $message['MSG']); #20200524 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20200524 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み2 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20200524 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み3 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20210921 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み4 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20210921 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み5 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20210921 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み6 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20210921 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み7 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20210921 擬古猫 youtube埋め込み7 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/([^<]+?)<\/a>/", "\r$2", $message['MSG']); #20181110 擬古猫 Unicode変換用 #$message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/&#(\d+);/","&#$1;", $message['MSG']); # 「参考」 if (!$mode) { $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/]+>([^<]+)<\/a>$/i", "c['CGIURL']}?m=f&s=$1&{$this->s['QUERY']}\">$2", $message['MSG'], 1); $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/]+>([^<]+)<\/a>$/i", "c['CGIURL']}?m=f&s=$1&{$this->s['QUERY']}\">$2", $message['MSG'], 1); } else { $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/]+>([^<]+)<\/a>$/i", "$2", $message['MSG'], 1); $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/]+>([^<]+)<\/a>$/i", "$2", $message['MSG'], 1); } if ($mode == 0 or ($mode == 1 and $this->c['OLDLOGBTN'])) { if (!$this->c['FOLLOWWIN']) { $newwin = " target=\"link\""; } else { $newwin = ''; } $spacer = "   "; $lnk_class = ""; # フォロー投稿ボタン $message['BTNFOLLOW'] = ''; if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 1) { $message['BTNFOLLOW'] = "$spacerc['CGIURL']}" ."?m=f&s={$message['POSTID']}&".$this->s['QUERY']; if ($this->f['w']) { $message['BTNFOLLOW'] .= "&w=".$this->f['w']; } if ($mode == 1) { $message['BTNFOLLOW'] .= "&ff=$tlog"; } $message['BTNFOLLOW'] .= "\"$newwin $lnk_class >{$this->c['TXTFOLLOW']}"; } # 投稿者検索ボタン $message['BTNAUTHOR'] = ''; if ($message['USER'] != $this->c['ANONY_NAME'] and $this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 1) { $message['BTNAUTHOR'] = "$spacerc['CGIURL']}" ."?m=s&s=". urlencode(preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $message['USER'])) ."&".$this->s['QUERY']; if ($this->f['w']) { $message['BTNAUTHOR'] .= "&w=".$this->f['w']; } if ($mode == 1) { $message['BTNAUTHOR'] .= "&ff=$tlog"; } $message['BTNAUTHOR'] .= "\" target=\"link\" $lnk_class >{$this->c['TXTAUTHOR']}"; } # スレッド表示ボタン if (!$message['THREAD']) { $message['THREAD'] = $message['POSTID']; } $message['BTNTHREAD'] = ''; if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 1) { $message['BTNTHREAD'] = "$spacerc['CGIURL']}?m=t&s={$message['THREAD']}&".$this->s['QUERY']; if ($mode == 1) { $message['BTNTHREAD'] .= "&ff=$tlog"; } $message['BTNTHREAD'] .= "\" target=\"link\" $lnk_class >{$this->c['TXTTHREAD']}"; } # ツリー表示ボタン $message['BTNTREE'] = ''; if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 1) { $message['BTNTREE'] = "$spacerc['CGIURL']}?m=tree&s={$message['THREAD']}&".$this->s['QUERY']; if ($mode == 1) { $message['BTNTREE'] .= "&ff=$tlog"; } $message['BTNTREE'] .= "\" target=\"link\" $lnk_class >{$this->c['TXTTREE']}"; } # UNDOボタン $message['BTNUNDO'] = ''; if ($this->c['ALLOW_UNDO'] and isset($this->s['UNDO_P']) and $this->s['UNDO_P'] == $message['POSTID']) { $message['BTNUNDO'] = "$spacerc['CGIURL']}?m=u&s={$message['POSTID']}&".$this->s['QUERY']; $message['BTNUNDO'] .= "\" $lnk_class >{$this->c['TXTUNDO']}"; } # ボタンの統合 $message['BTN'] = $message['BTNFOLLOW']. $message['BTNAUTHOR']. $message['BTNTHREAD']. $message['BTNTREE']. $message['BTNUNDO']; } # メールアドレス if ($message['MAIL']) { $message['USER'] = "{$message['USER']}"; } # 引用色変更 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/(^|\r)(\>[^\r]*)/", "$1$2", $message['MSG']); $message['MSG'] = str_replace("\r", "\r", $message['MSG']); # 環境変数 $message['ENVADDR'] = ''; $message['ENVUA'] = ''; $message['ENVBR'] = ''; if ($this->c['IPPRINT'] or $this->c['UAPRINT']) { if ($this->c['IPPRINT']) { $message['ENVADDR'] = $message['PHOST']; } if ($this->c['UAPRINT']) { $message['ENVUA'] = $message['AGENT']; } if ($this->c['IPPRINT'] and $this->c['UAPRINT']) { $message['ENVBR'] = '
'; } if ($message['ENVADDR'] or $message['ENVUA']) { $this->t->clearTemplate('envlist'); $this->t->setAttribute("envlist", "visibility", "visible"); $this->t->addVars('envlist', array( 'ENVADDR' => $message['ENVADDR'], 'ENVUA' => $message['ENVUA'], 'ENVBR' => $message['ENVBR'], )); } } # 画像BBSの画像表示有無 if (!$this->c['SHOWIMG']) { $message['MSG'] = Func::conv_imgtag($message['MSG']); } # 画像ファイルがない場合もIMGタグを変換 else if (preg_match("/]+>]*?src=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]+><\/a>/i", $message['MSG'], $matches)) { if (!file_exists($matches[1])) { $message['MSG'] = Func::conv_imgtag($message['MSG']); } } # メッセージ表示内容定義 $this->t->clearTemplate('message'); $this->t->addVars('message', $message); } /** * メッセージ1件出力 * * メッセージ配列を元にメッセージのHTMLを出力します。 * 過去ログモジュールに対応しています。 * * @access public * @param Array $message メッセージ * @param Integer $mode 0:掲示板 / 1:過去ログ検索(ボタン表示あり) / 2:過去ログ検索(ボタン表示なし) / 3:過去ログファイル出力用 * @param String $tlog ログファイル指定 * @return String メッセージのHTMLデータ */ function prtmessage($message, $mode = 0, $tlog = '') { $this->setmessage($message, $mode, $tlog); $prtmessage = $this->t->getParsedTemplate('message'); return $prtmessage; } /** * ログ読み込み * * ログファイルを読み込み、行配列にして返します。 * * @access public * @param String $logfilename ログファイル名(オプション) * @return Array ログの行配列 */ function loadmessage($logfilename = "") { if ($logfilename) { preg_match("/^([\w.]*)$/", $logfilename, $matches); $logfilename = $this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR']."/".$matches[1]; } else { $logfilename = $this->c['LOGFILENAME']; } if (!file_exists($logfilename)) { $this->prterror('メッセージ読み込みに失敗しました'); } $logdata = file($logfilename); return $logdata; } /** * メッセージ1件取得 * * ログ行をメッセージ配列に変換して返します。 * * @access public * @param String $logline ログ行 * @return Array メッセージ配列 */ function getmessage($logline) { $logsplit = @explode (',', rtrim($logline)); if (count($logsplit) < 10) { return; } $i = 6; while ($i <= 9) { $logsplit[$i] = strtr ($logsplit[$i], "\0", ","); $logsplit[$i] = str_replace (",", ",", $logsplit[$i]); $i++; } $message = array(); $messagekey = array('NDATE', 'POSTID', 'PROTECT', 'THREAD', 'PHOST', 'AGENT', 'USER', 'MAIL', 'TITLE', 'MSG', 'REFID', 'RESERVED1', 'RESERVED2', 'RESERVED3', ); $logsplitcount = count($logsplit); $i = 0; while ($i < $logsplitcount) { if ($i > 12) { break; } $message[$messagekey[$i]] = $logsplit[$i]; $i++; } return $message; } /** * 個人用設定反映 */ function refcustom() { $this->c['LINKOFF'] = 0; $this->c['HIDEFORM'] = 0; $this->c['RELTYPE'] = 0; if (!isset($this->c['SHOWIMG'])) { $this->c['SHOWIMG'] = 0; } $flgcolorchanged = FALSE; $colors = array( 'C_BACKGROUND', 'C_TEXT', 'C_A_COLOR', 'C_A_VISITED', 'C_SUBJ', 'C_QMSG', 'C_A_ACTIVE', 'C_A_HOVER', ); $flags = array( 'GZIPU', 'RELTYPE', 'AUTOLINK', 'FOLLOWWIN', 'COOKIE', 'LINKOFF', 'HIDEFORM', 'SHOWIMG', ); # 設定文字列からの更新 if ($this->f['c']) { $strflag = ''; $formc = $this->f['c']; if (strlen($formc) > 5) { $formclen = strlen($formc); $strflag = substr($formc, 0, 2); $currentpos = 2; foreach ($colors as $confname) { $colorval = Func::base64_threebytehex(substr($formc, $currentpos, 4)); if (strlen($colorval) == 6 and strcasecmp($this->c[$confname], $colorval) != 0) { $flgcolorchanged = TRUE; $this->c[$confname] = $colorval; } $currentpos += 4; if ($currentpos > $formclen) { break; } } } else if (strlen($formc) == 2) { $strflag = $formc; } if ($strflag) { $flagbin = str_pad(base_convert ($strflag, 32, 2), count($flags), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $currentpos = 0; foreach ($flags as $confname) { $this->c[$confname] = substr($flagbin, $currentpos, 1); $currentpos++; } } } # 設定情報の更新 if ($this->f['m'] == 'p' or $this->f['m'] == 'c' or $this->f['m'] == 'g') { $this->f['a'] ? $this->c['AUTOLINK'] = 1 : $this->c['AUTOLINK'] = 1; $this->f['g'] ? $this->c['GZIPU'] = 1 : $this->c['GZIPU'] = 1; $this->f['loff'] ? $this->c['LINKOFF'] = 1 : $this->c['LINKOFF'] = 0; $this->f['hide'] ? $this->c['HIDEFORM'] = 1 : $this->c['HIDEFORM'] = 0; $this->f['sim'] ? $this->c['SHOWIMG'] = 1 : $this->c['SHOWIMG'] = 1; if ($this->f['m'] == 'c') { $this->f['fw'] ? $this->c['FOLLOWWIN'] = 1 : $this->c['FOLLOWWIN'] = 0; $this->f['rt'] ? $this->c['RELTYPE'] = 1 : $this->c['RELTYPE'] = 0; $this->f['cookie'] ? $this->c['COOKIE'] = 1 : $this->c['COOKIE'] = 0; } } # 特別な条件 if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 0) { ($this->f['m'] == 'f' or ($this->f['m'] == 'p' and $this->f['write'])) ? $this->c['HIDEFORM'] = 0 : $this->c['HIDEFORM'] = 1; } # 設定文字列の更新 { $flagbin = ''; foreach ($flags as $confname) { $this->c[$confname] ? $flagbin .= '1' : $flagbin .= '0'; } $flagvalue = str_pad(base_convert ($flagbin, 2, 32), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($flgcolorchanged) { $this->f['c'] = $flagvalue . substr($this->f['c'], 2); } else { $this->f['c'] = $flagvalue; } } } /** * HTTPヘッダー設定 */ function sethttpheader() { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); } /** * 実行時間測定開始 */ function setstarttime() { $this->s['START_TIME'] = microtime(); } } /** * 標準掲示板クラス Bbs * * PC用の掲示板表示クラスです。 * 掲示板機能自体をカスタマイズ・拡張する場合はこのクラスを継承します。 * * @package strangeworld.cnscript * @access public */ class Bbs extends Webapp { /** * コンストラクタ * */ function Bbs() { $this->Webapp(); } /** * メイン処理 */ function main() { # 実行時間測定開始 $this->setstarttime(); # フォーム取得前処理 $this->procForm(); # 個人用設定反映 $this->refcustom(); $this->setusersession(); # gzip圧縮転送 if ($this->c['GZIPU']) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); } # 書き込み処理 if ($this->f['m'] == 'p' and trim($this->f['v'])) { # 環境変数取得 $this->setuserenv(); # パラメータチェック $posterr = $this->chkmessage(); # 書き込み処理 if (!$posterr) { $posterr = $this->putmessage($this->getformmessage()); } # 2重書き込みエラーなど if ($posterr == 1) { $this->prtmain(); } # プロテクトコード時間経過のため再表示 else if ($posterr == 2) { if ($this->f['f']) { $this->prtfollow(TRUE); } else if ($this->f['write']) { $this->prtnewpost(TRUE); } else { $this->prtmain(TRUE); } } # 管理モード移行 else if ($posterr == 3) { define('BBS_ACTIVATED', TRUE); require_once(PHP_BBSADMIN); $bbsadmin = new Bbsadmin($this); $bbsadmin->main(); } # 書き込み完了画面 else if ($this->f['f']) { $this->prtputcomplete(); } else { $this->prtmain(); } } # フォロー画面表示 else if ($this->f['m'] == 'f') { $this->prtfollow(); } # 投稿検索 else if ($this->f['m'] == 't' or $this->f['m'] == 's') { $this->prtsearchlist(); } # 環境設定画面表示 else if ($this->f['setup']) { $this->prtcustom(); } # 環境設定処理 else if ($this->f['m'] == 'c') { $this->setcustom(); } # 新規投稿 else if ($this->f['m'] == 'p' and $this->f['write']) { $this->prtnewpost(); } # UNDO処理 else if ($this->f['m'] == 'u') { $this->prtundo(); } # デフォルト:掲示板表示 else { $this->prtmain(); } if ($this->c['GZIPU']) { ob_end_flush(); } } /** * 掲示板の表示 * * @access public * @param Boolean $retry リトライフラグ */ function prtmain($retry = FALSE) { # 表示メッセージ取得 list ($logdatadisp, $bindex, $eindex, $lastindex) = $this->getdispmessage(); # フォーム部分設定 $dtitle = ""; $dmsg = ""; $dlink = ""; if ($retry) { $dtitle = $this->f['t']; $dmsg = $this->f['v']; $dlink = $this->f['l']; } $this->setform ($dtitle, $dmsg, $dlink); # HTMLヘッダ部分出力 $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE']); # メイン上部 $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('main_upper'); # メッセージ表示 while ($msgdata = each($logdatadisp)) { print $this->prtmessage($this->getmessage($msgdata[1]), 0, 0); } # メッセージ情報 if ($this->s['MSGDISP'] < 0) { $msgmore = ''; } else if ($eindex > 0) { $msgmore = "以上は、現在登録されている新着順{$bindex}番目から{$eindex}番目までの記事です。"; } else { $msgmore = '未読メッセージはありません。
'; #20200201 猫・擬古猫といっしょ srand((float) microtime() * 10000000); $data = file("gikoneko.dat"); $result = array(); foreach($data as $row){ $params = explode("\n", $row); $result[$params[0]] = $params[1]; } $rand_keys = array_rand($result, 2); $msgmore .= "擬古猫といっしょ
"; $msgmore .= "
    ∧ ∧
~′ ̄(´ー`)<" . $rand_keys[0] . "
 UU ̄ U U
"; $msgmore .= $rand_keys[1] . "

"; } if ($eindex >= $lastindex) { $msgmore .= 'これ以下の記事はありません。'; } $this->t->addVar('main_lower', 'MSGMORE', $msgmore); # ナビゲートボタン if ($eindex > 0) { if ($eindex >= $lastindex) { $this->t->setAttribute("nextpage", "visibility", "hidden"); } else { $this->t->addVar('nextpage', 'EINDEX', $eindex); } if (!$this->c['SHOW_READNEWBTN']) { $this->t->setAttribute("readnew", "visibility", "hidden"); } } # 管理者投稿 if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] == 0) { $this->t->setAttribute("adminlogin", "visibility", "hidden"); } # メイン下部 $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('main_lower'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * 表示範囲のメッセージとパラメータの取得 * * @access public * @return Array $logdatadisp ログ行配列 * @return Integer $bindex 開始index * @return Integer $eindex 終端index * @return Integer $lastindex 全ログの終端index */ function getdispmessage() { $logdata = $this->loadmessage(); # 未読ポインタ(最新POSTID) $items = @explode (',', $logdata[0], 3); $toppostid = $items[1]; # 表示件数 $msgdisp = Func::fixnumberstr($this->f['d']); if ($msgdisp === FALSE) { $msgdisp = $this->c['MSGDISP']; } else if ($msgdisp < 0) { $msgdisp = -1; } else if ($msgdisp > $this->c['LOGSAVE']) { $msgdisp = $this->c['LOGSAVE']; } if ($this->f['readzero']) { $msgdisp = 0; } # 開始index $bindex = $this->f['b']; if (!$bindex) { $bindex = 0; } # 次ページ以降の場合 if ($bindex > 1) { # 新着投稿があったら開始indexをずらす if ($toppostid > $this->f['p']) { $bindex += ($toppostid - $this->f['p']); } # 未読ポインタは更新させない $toppostid = $this->f['p']; } # 終端index $eindex = $bindex + $msgdisp; # 未読リロード if ($this->f['readnew'] or ($msgdisp == '0' and $bindex == 0)) { $bindex = 0; $eindex = $toppostid - $this->f['p']; } # 最後のページの場合、切り詰め $lastindex = count($logdata); if ($eindex > $lastindex) { $eindex = $lastindex; } # -1件表示 if ($msgdisp < 0) { $bindex = 0; $eindex = 0; } # 表示メッセージ if ($bindex == 0 and $eindex == 0) { $logdatadisp = array(); } else { $logdatadisp = array_splice ($logdata, $bindex, ($eindex - $bindex)); if ($this->c['RELTYPE'] and ($this->f['readnew'] or ($msgdisp == '0' and $bindex == 0))) { $logdatadisp = array_reverse($logdatadisp); } } $this->s['TOPPOSTID'] = $toppostid; $this->s['MSGDISP'] = $msgdisp; $this->t->addGlobalVars(array( 'TOPPOSTID' => $this->s['TOPPOSTID'], 'MSGDISP' => $this->s['MSGDISP'] )); return array($logdatadisp, $bindex + 1, $eindex, $lastindex); } /** * フォーム部分の設定 * * @access public * @param String $dtitle 題名のフォーム初期値 * @param String $dmsg 内容のフォーム初期値 * @param String $dlink リンクのフォーム初期値 */ function setform($dtitle, $dmsg, $dlink, $mode = '') { # プロテクトコード生成 $pcode = Func::pcode(); if (!$mode) { $mode = ''; } $this->t->addVars('form', array( 'MODE' => $mode, 'PCODE' => $pcode, )); # 投稿フォームの非表示 if ($this->c['HIDEFORM'] and $this->f['m'] != 'f' and !$this->f['write']) { $this->t->addVar('postform', 'mode', 'hide'); } else { $this->t->addVars('postform', array( 'DTITLE' => $dtitle, 'DMSG' => $dmsg, 'DLINK' => $dlink, )); } # 設定行とリンク行 if ($this->f['m'] != 'f' and !isset($this->f['f']) and !$this->f['write']) { # カウンタ if ($this->c['SHOW_COUNTER']) { $counter = $this->counter(); $this->t->addVar("counter", 'COUNTER', $counter); $this->t->setAttribute("counter", "visibility", "visible"); } if ($this->c['CNTFILENAME']) { $mbrcount = $this->mbrcount(); $this->t->addVar("mbrcount", 'MBRCOUNT', $mbrcount); $this->t->setAttribute("mbrcount", "visibility", "visible"); } if (!$this->c['SHOW_COUNTER'] and !$this->c['CNTFILENAME']) { $this->t->setAttribute("counterrow", "visibility", "hidden"); } if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] == 0) { if ($this->c['AUTOLINK']) $this->t->addVar('formconfig', 'CHK_A', ' checked="checked"'); if ($this->c['HIDEFORM']) $this->t->addVar('formconfig', 'CHK_HIDE', ' checked="checked"'); } else { $this->t->setAttribute("formconfig", "visibility", "hidden"); } # リンク行の非表示 if ($this->c['LINKOFF']) { $this->t->addVar('extraform', 'CHK_LOFF', ' checked="checked"'); $this->t->setAttribute("linkrow", "visibility", "hidden"); } # ヘルプ行の非表示 if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 1) { if (!$this->c['ALLOW_UNDO']) { $this->t->setAttribute("helpundo", "visibility", "hidden"); } } else { $this->t->setAttribute("helprow", "visibility", "hidden"); } # ナビゲートボタン行 if (!$this->c['SHOW_READNEWBTN']) { $this->t->setAttribute("readnewbtn", "visibility", "hidden"); } if (!($this->c['HIDEFORM'] and $this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] == 0)) { $this->t->setAttribute("newpostbtn", "visibility", "hidden"); } } else { $this->t->setAttribute("extraform", "visibility", "hidden"); } } /** * フォロー画面表示 * * @access public * @param Boolean $retry リトライフラグ */ function prtfollow($retry = FALSE) { if (!$this->f['s']) { $this->prterror ( 'パラメータがありません。' ); } # 管理人認証 if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] == 1 and crypt($this->f['u'], $this->c['ADMINPOST']) != $this->c['ADMINPOST']) { $this->prterror('パスワードが違います。'); } $filename = ''; if ($this->f['ff']) { $filename = trim($this->f['ff']); } $result = $this->searchmessage('POSTID', $this->f['s'], FALSE, $filename); if (!$result) { $this->prterror ( '指定されたメッセージが見つかりません。' ); } # メッセージの取得 $message = $this->getmessage($result[0]); if (!$retry) { $formmsg = $message['MSG']; $formmsg = preg_replace ("/> >[^\r]+\r/", "", $formmsg); $formmsg = preg_replace ("/]*>[^<]+<\/a>/i", "", $formmsg); $formmsg = preg_replace ("/]+>([^<]+)<\/a>/i", "$1", $formmsg); $formmsg = preg_replace ("/\r*]+>]+><\/a>/i", "", $formmsg); $formmsg = preg_replace ("/\r/", "\r> ", $formmsg); $formmsg = "> $formmsg\r"; $formmsg = preg_replace ("/\r>\s+\r/", "\r", $formmsg); $formmsg = preg_replace ("/\r>\s+\r$/", "\r", $formmsg); } else { $formmsg = $this->f['v']; $formmsg = preg_replace ("/]*>[^<]+<\/a>/i", "", $formmsg); } $formmsg .= "\r"; $this->setform ( ">" . preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $message['USER']) . $this->c['FSUBJ'], $formmsg, ''); if (!$message['THREAD']) { $message['THREAD'] = $message['POSTID']; } $filename ? $mode = 1 : $mode = 0; $this->setmessage ($message, $mode, $filename); if ($this->c['AUTOLINK']) $this->t->addVar('follow', 'CHK_A', ' checked="checked"'); $this->t->addVar('follow', 'FOLLOWID', $message['POSTID']); $this->t->addVar('follow', 'SEARCHID', $this->f['s']); $this->t->addVar('follow', 'FF', $this->f['ff']); # 表示 $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' フォロー投稿'); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('follow'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * 新規投稿画面表示 * * @access public */ function prtnewpost($retry = FALSE) { # 管理人認証 if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] != 0 and crypt($this->f['u'], $this->c['ADMINPOST']) != $this->c['ADMINPOST']) { $this->prterror('パスワードが違います。'); } # フォーム部分 $dtitle = ""; $dmsg = ""; $dlink = ""; if ($retry) { $dtitle = $this->f['t']; $dmsg = $this->f['v']; $dlink = $this->f['l']; } $this->setform ($dtitle, $dmsg, $dlink); if ($this->c['AUTOLINK']) $this->t->addVar('newpost', 'CHK_A', ' checked="checked"'); $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ( "{$this->c['BBSTITLE']} 新規投稿" ); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('newpost'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * 投稿検索 * * @param Integer $mode 0:掲示板 / 1:過去ログ検索(ボタン表示あり) / 2:過去ログ検索(ボタン表示なし) / 3:過去ログファイル出力用 */ function prtsearchlist($mode = "") { if (!$this->f['s']) { $this->prterror ( 'パラメータがありません。' ); } if (!$mode) { $mode = $this->f['m']; } $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' 投稿検索'); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('searchlist_upper'); $result = $this->msgsearchlist($mode); while ($message = each($result)) { print $this->prtmessage ($message[1], $mode, $this->f['ff']); } $success = count($result); $this->t->addVar('searchlist_lower', 'SUCCESS', $success); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('searchlist_lower'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * 投稿検索処理 */ function msgsearchlist($mode) { if ($this->f['ff']) { $fh = NULL; if (preg_match("/^[\w.]+$/", $this->f['ff'])) { $fh = @fopen($this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR'] . $this->f['ff'], "rb"); } if (!$fh) { $this->prterror ("{$this->f['ff']}を開けませんでした。"); } flock ($fh, 1); } $result = array(); if ($fh) { $linecount = 0; $threadstart = FALSE; while (($logline = Func::fgetline($fh)) !== FALSE) { if ($threadstart) { $linecount++; } if ($linecount > $this->c['LOGSAVE']) { break; } $message = $this->getmessage($logline); # 投稿者検索 if ($mode == 's' and preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $message['USER']) == $this->f['s']) { $result[] = $message; } # スレッド検索 else if ($mode == 't' and ($message['THREAD'] == $this->f['s'] or $message['POSTID'] == $this->f['s'])) { $result[] = $message; if (!$threadstart) { $threadstart = TRUE; } } } flock ($fh, 3); fclose ($fh); } else { $logdata = $this->loadmessage(); foreach ($logdata as $logline) { $message = $this->getmessage($logline); # 投稿者検索 if ($mode == 's' and preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $message['USER']) == $this->f['s']) { $result[] = $message; } # スレッド検索 else if ($mode == 't' and ($message['THREAD'] == $this->f['s'] or $message['POSTID'] == $this->f['s'])) { $result[] = $message; if ($message['POSTID'] == $this->f['s']) { break; } } } } return $result; } /** * 書き込み完了 */ function prtputcomplete() { $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' 書き込み完了'); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('postcomplete'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * 環境設定画面表示 */ function prtcustom($mode = '') { if ($this->c['GZIPU']) $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_G', ' checked="checked"'); if ($this->c['AUTOLINK']) $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_A', ' checked="checked"'); if ($this->c['LINKOFF']) $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_LOFF', ' checked="checked"'); if ($this->c['HIDEFORM']) $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_HIDE', ' checked="checked"'); if ($this->c['SHOWIMG']) $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_SI', ' checked="checked"'); if ($this->c['COOKIE']) $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_COOKIE', ' checked="checked"'); $this->c['FOLLOWWIN'] ? $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_FW_1', ' checked="checked"') : $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_FW_0', ' checked="checked"'); $this->c['RELTYPE'] ? $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_RT_1', ' checked="checked"') : $this->t->addVar('custom', 'CHK_RT_0', ' checked="checked"'); $this->t->addVar('custom_hide', 'BBSMODE_ADMINONLY', $this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY']); $this->t->addVar('custom_a', 'BBSMODE_ADMINONLY', $this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY']); $this->t->addVar('custom', 'MODE', $mode); $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' 個人用環境設定'); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('custom'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * 環境設定処理 */ function setcustom() { $redirecturl = $this->c['CGIURL']; # Cookie消去 if ($this->f['cr']) { $this->f['c'] = ''; setcookie('c'); setcookie('undo'); $this->s['UNDO_P'] = ''; $this->s['UNDO_K'] = ''; } else { $colors = array( 'C_BACKGROUND', 'C_TEXT', 'C_A_COLOR', 'C_A_VISITED', 'C_SUBJ', 'C_QMSG', 'C_A_ACTIVE', 'C_A_HOVER', ); $flgchgindex = -1; $cindex = 0; foreach ($colors as $confname) { if (strlen($this->f[$confname]) == 6 and preg_match("/^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/", $this->f[$confname]) and $this->f[$confname] != $this->c[$confname]) { $this->c[$confname] = $this->f[$confname]; $flgchgindex = $cindex; } $cindex++; } $cbase64str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= $flgchgindex; $i++) { $cbase64str .= Func::threebytehex_base64($this->c[$colors[$i]]); } $this->refcustom(); $this->f['c'] = substr($this->f['c'], 0, 2) . $cbase64str; $redirecturl .= "?c=".$this->f['c']; foreach (array('w', 'd',) as $key) { if ($this->f[$key] != '') { $redirecturl .= "&{$key}=".$this->f[$key]; } } if ($this->f['nm']) { $redirecturl .= "&m=".$this->f['nm']; } if ($this->c['COOKIE']) { $this->setbbscookie(); } } # リダイレクト if (preg_match("/^(https?):\/\//", $this->c['CGIURL'])) { header ("Location: {$redirecturl}"); } else { $this->prtredirect(htmlentities($redirecturl)); } } /** * UNDO処理 */ function prtundo() { if (!$this->f['s']) { $this->prterror ('パラメータがありません。'); } if (isset($this->s['UNDO_P']) and $this->s['UNDO_P'] == $this->f['s']) { $loglines = $this->searchmessage('POSTID', $this->s['UNDO_P']); if (count($loglines) < 1) { $this->prterror ('該当記事は見つかりませんでした。'); } $message = $this->getmessage($loglines[0]); $undokey = substr (preg_replace("/\W/", "", crypt($message['PROTECT'], $this->c['ADMINPOST'])), -8); if ($undokey != $this->s['UNDO_K']) { $this->prterror ('該当記事の消去は許可されていません。'); } # 消去実行 require_once(PHP_BBSADMIN); $bbsadmin = new Bbsadmin(); $bbsadmin->killmessage($this->s['UNDO_P']); $this->s['UNDO_P'] = ''; $this->s['UNDO_K'] = ''; setcookie('undo'); } else { $this->prterror ('該当記事の消去は許可されていません。'); } $this->sethttpheader(); print $this->prthtmlhead ($this->c['BBSTITLE'] . ' 消去完了'); $this->t->displayParsedTemplate('undocomplete'); print $this->prthtmlfoot (); } /** * メッセージ検索(完全一致) * * @access public * @param String $varname 変数名 * @param String $searchvalue 検索文字列 * @param Boolean $ismultiple 複数検索フラグ * @return Array ログ行配列 */ function searchmessage($varname, $searchvalue, $ismultiple = FALSE, $filename = "") { $result = array(); $logdata = $this->loadmessage($filename); while ($logline = each($logdata)) { $message = $this->getmessage($logline[1]); if (isset($message[$varname]) and $message[$varname] == $searchvalue) { $result[] = $logline[1]; if (!$ismultiple) { break; } } } return $result; } /** * 投稿チェック * * @access public * @param Boolean $limithost 同一ホストチェックをするかどうか * @return Integer エラーコード */ function chkmessage($limithost = TRUE) { $posterr = 0; if ($this->c['RUNMODE'] == 1) { $this->prterror('この掲示板は現在投稿機能停止中です。'); } /* ホスト名によるアクセス禁止処理 */ if (Func::hostname_match($this->c['HOSTNAME_POSTDENIED'],$this->c['HOSTAGENT_BANNED'])) { $this->c['IPREC'] = '2'; $this->c['CGIURL'] = './spam.php'; $this->c['LOGFILENAME'] = './ng.log'; $this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR']='./ng/'; $this->c['ZIPDIR' ]= './ngarc/'; $this->c['BBSTITLE']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; $this->c['BBSTITLE2']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; # $this->prterror ( 'この掲示板は現在投稿機能停止中です。'); } if ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] == 1 or ($this->c['BBSMODE_ADMINONLY'] == 2 and !$this->f['f'])) { if (crypt($this->f['u'], $this->c['ADMINPOST']) != $this->c['ADMINPOST']) { $this->prterror ( '掲示板への投稿は管理者のみ許可されています。'); } } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] and $this->c['REFCHECKURL'] and (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $this->c['REFCHECKURL']) === FALSE or strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $this->c['REFCHECKURL']) > 0)) { $this->prterror ( "投稿画面のURLが
以外からの投稿はできません。" ); } foreach (explode ("\r", $this->f['v']) as $line) { if (strlen ($line) > $this->c['MAXMSGCOL']) { $this->prterror ('投稿内容の桁数が大きすぎます。'); } } if (substr_count ($this->f['v'], "\r") > $this->c['MAXMSGLINE'] - 1) { $this->prterror ('投稿内容の行数が大きすぎます。'); } if (strlen ($this->f['v']) > $this->c['MAXMSGSIZE']) { $this->prterror ( '投稿内容が大きすぎます。' ); } /* if (!$this->f['pc'] or strlen($this->f['pc']) != 12) { $this->prterror ( 'フォームデータの一部に欠落があります。もう一度やり直して下さい。' ); } */ { $timestamp = Func::pcode_verify ($this->f['pc'], $limithost); /* if (!$timestamp) { $this->prterror ( 'フォームデータの一部に欠落があります。もう一度やり直して下さい。' ); } */ if ((CURRENT_TIME - $timestamp ) < $this->c['MINPOSTSEC'] ) { $this->prterror ( 'もう一度やり直して下さい。'); } if ((CURRENT_TIME - $timestamp ) > $this->c['MAXPOSTSEC'] ) { $posterr = 2; return $posterr; } } if (trim($this->f['v']) == '') { $posterr = 2; return $posterr; } if ($this->c['NGWORD']) { foreach ($this->c['NGWORD'] as $ngword) { if (strpos($this->f['v'], $ngword) !== FALSE or strpos($this->f['l'], $ngword) !== FALSE or strpos($this->f['t'], $ngword) !== FALSE or strpos($this->f['u'], $ngword) !== FALSE or strpos($this->f['i'], $ngword) !== FALSE) { $this->c['IPREC'] = '2'; $this->c['CGIURL'] = './spam.php'; $this->c['LOGFILENAME'] = './ng.log'; $this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR']='./ng/'; $this->c['ZIPDIR' ]= './ngarc/'; $this->c['BBSTITLE']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; $this->c['BBSTITLE2']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; #$this->f['u'] = "
".$this->f['u'].""; #$this->f['u']= $this->f['u']." :".@gethostbyaddr ( $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ); $this->f['v'] = preg_replace("/((?:\G|>)[^<]*?)($ngword)/i", "$1$2", $this->f['v']); #$this->f['l'] = preg_replace("/((?:\G|>)[^<]*?)($ngword)/i", "$1$2", $this->f['l']); #$this->f['t'] = preg_replace("/((?:\G|>)[^<]*?)($ngword)/i", "$1$2", $this->f['t']); #$this->f['u'] = preg_replace("/((?:\G|>)[^<]*?)($ngword)/i", "$1$2", $this->f['u']); # $this->prterror ( "投稿禁止語句 "{$ngword}" が含まれています。\"暫\"" ); } } } #20240204 猫spam判定 ( # 文字数 $char_num = mb_strlen( $this->f['v'], 'UTF8'); # バイト数 $byte_num = strlen( $this->f['v']); # 1バイト文字が全体の9割を超えている場合 if ((($char_num * 3 - $byte_num) / 2 / $char_num * 100) > 90) { # スパム扱い $this->c['IPREC'] = '2'; $this->c['CGIURL'] = './spam.php'; $this->c['LOGFILENAME'] = './ng.log'; $this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR']='./ng/'; $this->c['ZIPDIR' ]= './ngarc/'; $this->c['BBSTITLE']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; $this->c['BBSTITLE2']='あやしいわーるど@暫定 SPAM天国'; } return $posterr; } /** * フォーム入力からのメッセージ取得 * * @access public * @return Array メッセージ配列 */ function getformmessage() { $message = array(); $message['PCODE'] = $this->f['pc']; $message['USER'] = $this->f['u']; $message['MAIL'] = $this->f['i']; $message['TITLE'] = $this->f['t']; $message['MSG'] = $this->f['v']; $message['URL'] = $this->f['l']; $message['PHOST'] = $this->s['HOST']; $message['AGENT'] = $this->s['AGENT']; # 参照ID if ($this->f['f']) { $message['REFID'] = $this->f['f']; } else { $message['REFID'] = ''; } # プロテクトコード $message['PCODE'] = substr($message['PCODE'], 8, 4); # 題名 if (!$message['TITLE']) { $message['TITLE'] = ' '; } # 投稿者 if (!$message['USER']) { $message['USER'] = $this->c['ANONY_NAME']; } else { # 管理人チェック if ($this->c['ADMINPOST'] and crypt($message['USER'], $this->c['ADMINPOST']) == $this->c['ADMINPOST']) { $message['USER'] = "c['ADMINMAIL']}\">{$this->c['ADMINNAME']}"; # 管理モードへの移行 if ($this->c['ADMINKEY'] and trim($message['MSG']) == $this->c['ADMINKEY']) { return 3; } } else if ($this->c['ADMINPOST'] and $message['USER'] == $this->c['ADMINPOST']) { $message['USER'] = $this->c['ADMINNAME'] . '(ハカー)'; } else if (!(strpos($message['USER'], $this->c['ADMINNAME']) === FALSE)) { $message['USER'] = $this->c['ADMINNAME'] . '(騙り)'; } # 固定ハンドル名チェック else if ($this->c['HANDLENAMES'][trim($message['USER'])]) { $message['USER'] .= '(騙り)'; } # トリップ機能(簡易騙り防止機能) else if (strpos($message['USER'], '#') !== FALSE) { #20210702 猫・管理パスばれ防止 if ($this->c['ADMINPOST'] and crypt(substr($message['USER'], 0, strpos($message['USER'], '#')), $this->c['ADMINPOST']) == $this->c['ADMINPOST']) { $message['USER'] = "c['ADMINMAIL']}\">{$this->c['ADMINNAME']}".substr($message['USER'], strpos($message['USER'], '#'));} #20210923 猫・固定ハンドル名 パスばれ防止 # 固定ハンドル名変換 else if (isset($this->c['HANDLENAMES'])) { $handlename = array_search(trim(substr($message['USER'], 0, strpos($message['USER'], '#'))), $this->c['HANDLENAMES']); if ($handlename !== FALSE) { $message['USER'] = "{$handlename}".substr($message['USER'], strpos($message['USER'], '#')); } } $message['USER'] = substr($message['USER'], 0, strpos($message['USER'], '#')) . ' ◆' . substr(preg_replace("/\W/", '', crypt(substr($message['USER'], strpos($message['USER'], '#')), '00')), -7) .$this->tripuse($message['USER']). ''; } else if (strpos($message['USER'], '◆') !== FALSE) { $message['USER'] .= '(騙り)'; } # 固定ハンドル名変換 else if (isset($this->c['HANDLENAMES'])) { $handlename = array_search(trim($message['USER']), $this->c['HANDLENAMES']); if ($handlename !== FALSE) { $message['USER'] = "{$handlename}"; } } } $message['MSG'] = rtrim ($message['MSG']); # URL自動リンク if ( $this->c['AUTOLINK'] ) { #20200415 擬古猫・quot対応 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/(")/", "〓”〓", $message['MSG']); #20200524 擬古猫・gt対応 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/(>)/", "〓>〓", $message['MSG']); $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/((https?|ftp|news):\/\/[-_.,!~*'()a-zA-Z0-9;\/?:\@&=+\$,%#]+)/", "$1", $message['MSG']); #20200415 擬古猫・quot対応 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/(〓”〓)/", """, $message['MSG']); #20200524 擬古猫・gt対応 $message['MSG'] = preg_replace("/(〓>〓)/", ">", $message['MSG']); } # URL欄 $message['URL'] = trim($message['URL']); if ($message['URL']) { $message['MSG'] .= "\r\r{$message['URL']}"; } # 参考 if ($message['REFID']) { $refdata = $this->searchmessage('POSTID', $message['REFID'], FALSE, $this->f['ff']); if (!$refdata) { $this->prterror ('参照記事が見つかりません。'); } $refmessage = $this->getmessage($refdata[0]); $refmessage['WDATE'] = Func::getdatestr($refmessage['NDATE'], $this->c['DATEFORMAT']); $message['MSG'] .= "\r\r参考:{$refmessage['WDATE']}"; # 簡易自作自演防止機能 if ($this->c['IPREC'] and $this->c['SHOW_SELFFOLLOW'] and $refmessage['PHOST'] != '' and $refmessage['PHOST'] == $message['PHOST']) { $message['USER'] .= '(自己レス)'; } } # チェック if (strlen ($message['MSG']) > $this->c['MAXMSGSIZE']) { $this->prterror ( '投稿内容が大きすぎます。' ); } return $message; } /** * メッセージ登録処理 * * @access public * @return Integer エラーコード */ function putmessage($message) { if (!is_array($message)) { return $message; } $fh = @fopen($this->c['LOGFILENAME'], "rb+"); if (!$fh) { $this->prterror ( 'メッセージ読み込みに失敗しました' ); } flock ($fh, 2); fseek ($fh, 0, 0); $logdata = array(); while (($logline = Func::fgetline($fh)) !== FALSE) { $logdata[] = $logline; } $posterr = 0; if ($this->f['ff']) { $refdata = $this->searchmessage('THREAD', $message['REFID'], FALSE, $this->f['ff']); if (isset($refdata[0])) { $refmessage = $this->getmessage($refdata[0]); if ($refmessage) { $message['THREAD'] = $refmessage['thread']; } else { $message['THREAD'] = ''; } } else { $message['THREAD'] = ''; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($logdata); $i++) { $items = @explode(',', $logdata[$i]); if (count($items) > 8) { $items[9] = rtrim($items[9]); if ($i < $this->c['CHECKCOUNT'] and $message['MSG'] == $items[9]) { $posterr = 1; break; } if ($this->c['IPREC'] and CURRENT_TIME < ($items[0] + $this->c['SPTIME']) and $this->s['HOST'] == $items[4]) { $posterr = 2; break; } if ($message['PCODE'] == $items[2]) { $posterr = 2; break; } if ($message['REFID'] and $items[1] == $message['REFID']) { $message['THREAD'] = $items[3]; if (!$message['THREAD']) { $message['THREAD'] = $items[1]; } } } } } if ($posterr) { flock ($fh, 3); fclose ($fh); return $posterr; } else { $items = @explode (',', $logdata[0], 3); $message['POSTID'] = $items[1] + 1; if (!$message['REFID']) { $message['THREAD'] = $message['POSTID']; } $msgdata = implode (',', array( CURRENT_TIME, $message['POSTID'], $message['PCODE'], $message['THREAD'], $message['PHOST'], $message['AGENT'], $message['USER'], $message['MAIL'], $message['TITLE'], $message['MSG'], $message['REFID'], )); $msgdata = strtr ($msgdata, "\n", "") . "\n"; if (count($logdata) >= $this->c['LOGSAVE']) { $logdata = array_slice($logdata, 0, $this->c['LOGSAVE'] - 2); } { $logdata = $msgdata . implode ('', $logdata); fseek ($fh, 0, 0); ftruncate ($fh, 0); fwrite ($fh, $logdata); } flock ($fh, 3); fclose ($fh); # Cookie登録 if ($this->c['COOKIE']) { $this->setbbscookie(); if ($this->c['ALLOW_UNDO']) { $this->setundocookie($message['POSTID'], $message['PCODE']); } } # 過去ログ出力 if ($this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR']) { $dir = $this->c['OLDLOGFILEDIR']; if ($this->c['OLDLOGFMT']) { $oldlogext = 'dat'; } else { $oldlogext = 'html'; } if ($this->c['OLDLOGSAVESW']) { $oldlogfilename = $dir . date("Ym", CURRENT_TIME) . ".$oldlogext"; $oldlogtitle = $this->c['BBSTITLE'] . date(" Y.m", CURRENT_TIME); } else { $oldlogfilename = $dir . date("Ymd", CURRENT_TIME) . ".$oldlogext"; $oldlogtitle = $this->c['BBSTITLE'] . date(" Y.m.d", CURRENT_TIME); } if (@filesize($oldlogfilename) > $this->c['MAXOLDLOGSIZE']) { $this->prterror ( '過去ログファイルがサイズ制限を超えています' ); } $fh = @fopen($oldlogfilename, "ab"); if (!$fh) { $this->prterror ( '過去ログ出力に失敗しました' ); } flock ($fh, 2); $isnewdate = FALSE; if (!@filesize($oldlogfilename)) { $isnewdate = TRUE; } if ($this->c['OLDLOGFMT']) { fwrite ($fh, $msgdata); } else { # HTML出力用HTMLヘッダ if ($isnewdate) { $oldloghtmlhead = $this->prthtmlhead($oldlogtitle); $oldloghtmlhead .= "$oldlogtitle\n\n
\n"; fwrite ($fh, $oldloghtmlhead); } $msghtml = $this->prtmessage($this->getmessage($msgdata), 3); fwrite ($fh, $msghtml); } flock ($fh, 3); fclose ($fh); if (@filesize($oldlogfilename) > $this->c['MAXOLDLOGSIZE']) { @chmod ($oldlogfilename, 0400); } # 古いログファイルを削除 if (!$this->c['OLDLOGSAVESW'] and $isnewdate) { $limitdate = CURRENT_TIME - $this->c['OLDLOGSAVEDAY'] * 60 * 60 * 24; $limitdate = date("Ymd", $limitdate); $dh = opendir($dir); while ($entry = readdir($dh)) { $matches = array(); if (is_file($dir . $entry) and preg_match("/(\d+)\.$oldlogext$/", $entry, $matches)) { $timestamp = $matches[1]; if (strlen($timestamp) == strlen($limitdate) and $timestamp < $limitdate) { unlink ($dir . $entry); } } } closedir ($dh); } # アーカイブの作成 if ($this->c['ZIPDIR'] and @function_exists('gzcompress')) { # datの場合、Zipに保存するためのテンポラリファイルとしてHTML形式の過去ログ書き込みも行う if ($this->c['OLDLOGFMT']) { if ($this->c['OLDLOGSAVESW']) { $tmplogfilename = $this->c['ZIPDIR'] . date("Ym", CURRENT_TIME) . ".html"; } else { $tmplogfilename = $this->c['ZIPDIR'] . date("Ymd", CURRENT_TIME) . ".html"; } $fhtmp = @fopen($tmplogfilename, "ab"); if (!$fhtmp) { return; } flock ($fhtmp, 2); if (!@filesize($tmplogfilename)) { $oldloghtmlhead = $this->prthtmlhead($oldlogtitle); $oldloghtmlhead .= "$oldlogtitle\n\n
\n"; fwrite ($fhtmp, $oldloghtmlhead); } $msghtml = $this->prtmessage($this->getmessage($msgdata), 3); fwrite ($fhtmp, $msghtml); flock ($fhtmp, 3); fclose ($fhtmp); } $tmpdir = $dir; if ($this->c['OLDLOGFMT']) { $tmpdir = $this->c['ZIPDIR']; } if ($this->c['OLDLOGSAVESW']) { $currentfile = date("Ym", CURRENT_TIME) . ".html"; } else { $currentfile = date("Ymd", CURRENT_TIME) . ".html"; } $files = array(); $dh = opendir($tmpdir); if (!$dh) { return; } while ($entry = readdir($dh)) { if ($entry != $currentfile and is_file($tmpdir . $entry) and preg_match("/^\d+\.html$/", $entry)) { $files[] = $entry; } } closedir ($dh); # 現ログ以外で更新時間が最新のファイル $maxftime = 0; foreach ($files as $filename) { $fstat = stat ($tmpdir . $filename); if ($fstat[9] > $maxftime) { $maxftime = $fstat[9]; $checkedfile = $tmpdir . $filename; } } if (!$checkedfile) { return; } $zipfilename = preg_replace("/\.\w+$/", ".zip", $checkedfile); # Zipファイルを作成 require_once(LIB_PHPZIP); $zip = new PHPZip(); $zipfiles[] = $checkedfile; $zip->Zip($zipfiles, $zipfilename); # テンポラリファイルの削除 if ($this->c['OLDLOGFMT']) { unlink ($checkedfile); } } } } return 0; } /** * 環境変数取得 */ function setuserenv() { if ($this->c['UAREC']) { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $agent = Func::html_escape($agent); $this->s['AGENT'] = $agent; } if (!$this->c['IPREC']) { return; } list ($addr, $host, $proxyflg, $realaddr, $realhost) = Func::getuserenv(); $this->s['ADDR'] = $addr; $this->s['HOST'] = $host; $this->s['PROXYFLG'] = $proxyflg; $this->s['REALADDR'] = $realaddr; $this->s['REALHOST'] = $realhost; } /** * 掲示板Cookie登録 */ function setbbscookie() { $cookiestr = "u=" . urlencode($this->f['u']); $cookiestr .= "&i=" . urlencode($this->f['i']); $cookiestr .= "&c=" . $this->f['c']; setcookie('c', $cookiestr, CURRENT_TIME + 7776000); // expires in 90 days } /** * 投稿UNDO用Cookie登録 */ function setundocookie($undoid, $pcode) { $undokey = substr (preg_replace("/\W/", "", crypt($pcode, $this->c['ADMINPOST'])), -8); $cookiestr = "p=$undoid&k=$undokey"; $this->s['UNDO_P'] = $undoid; $this->s['UNDO_K'] = $undokey; setcookie('undo', $cookiestr, CURRENT_TIME + 86400); // expires in 24 hours } /** * こわれにくいカウンター処理 * * @access public * @param Integer こわれにくさレベル * @return String カウンター数値 */ function counter($countlevel = 0) { if (!$countlevel) { if (isset($this->c['COUNTLEVEL'])) { $countlevel = $this->c['COUNTLEVEL']; } if ($countlevel < 1) { $countlevel = 1; } } $count = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $countlevel; $i++) { $filename = "{$this->c['COUNTFILE']}{$i}.dat"; if (is_writable ($filename) and $fh = @fopen ($filename, "r")) { $count[$i] = fgets ($fh, 10); fclose ($fh); } else { $count[$i] = 0; } $filenumber[$count[$i]] = $i; } sort ($count, SORT_NUMERIC); $mincount = $count[0]; $maxcount = $count[$countlevel-1] + 1; if ($fh = @fopen("{$this->c['COUNTFILE']}{$filenumber[$mincount]}.dat", "w")) { fputs ($fh, $maxcount); fclose ($fh); return $maxcount; } else { return 'カウンターエラー'; } } /** * 参加者カウント * * @access public * @param $cntfilename 記録ファイル名 * @return String 参加者数 */ function mbrcount($cntfilename = "") { if (!$cntfilename) { $cntfilename = $this->c['CNTFILENAME']; } if ($cntfilename) { $mbrcount = 0; $remoteaddr = ''; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { $remoteaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $addrdec = @explode ('.', $remoteaddr); $ukey = @array_sum($addrdec) * @bindec(@decbin($addrdec[0]) ^ @decbin($addrdec[1]) & @decbin($addrdec[2]) ^ @decbin($addrdec[3])); $newcntdata = array(); if (is_writable ($cntfilename)) { $cntdata = file ($cntfilename); $cadd = 0; foreach ($cntdata as $cntvalue) { if (strrpos($cntvalue, ',') !== FALSE) { list ($cuser, $ctime,) = @explode (',', trim ($cntvalue)); if ($cuser == $ukey) { $newcntdata[] = "$ukey,".CURRENT_TIME."\n"; $cadd = 1; $mbrcount++; } else if (($ctime + $this->c['CNTLIMIT']) >= CURRENT_TIME) { $newcntdata[] = "$cuser,$ctime\n"; $mbrcount++; } } } if (!$cadd) { $newcntdata[] = "$ukey,".CURRENT_TIME."\n"; $mbrcount++; } } else { $newcntdata[] = "$ukey,".CURRENT_TIME."\n"; $mbrcount++; } if ($fh = @fopen ($cntfilename, "w")) { $cntdatastr = implode('', $newcntdata); flock ($fh, 2); fwrite ($fh, $cntdatastr); flock ($fh, 3); fclose ($fh); } else { return ('参加者ファイル出力エラー'); } return $mbrcount; } else { return; } } } /* end of class Bbs */ /** * 共用関数クラス * * 設定情報に依存しない、汎用的な関数を格納したクラスです。 * * @package strangeworld.cnscript * @access public */ class Func { /** * コンストラクタ * */ function Func() { } function getuserenv() { $addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if ($addr == $host or !$host) { $host = gethostbyaddr ($addr); } $proxyflg = 0; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']) { $proxyflg = 1; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_INFO']) { $proxyflg += 2; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) { $proxyflg += 4; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']) { $proxyflg += 8; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_FROM']) { $proxyflg += 16; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION']) { $proxyflg += 32; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION']) { $proxyflg += 64; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_SP_HOST']) { $proxyflg += 128; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA']) { $proxyflg += 256; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) { $proxyflg += 512; } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_LOCKING']) { $proxyflg += 1024; } if (preg_match ("/cache|delegate|gateway|httpd|proxy|squid|www|via/i", $agent)) { $proxyflg += 2048; } if (preg_match ("/cache|^dns|dummy|^ns|firewall|gate|keep|mail|^news|pop|proxy|smtp|w3|^web|www/i", $host)) { $proxyflg += 4096; } if ($host == $addr) { $proxyflg += 8192; } $realaddr = ''; $realhost = ''; if ( $proxyflg > 0 ) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match ("/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $matches)) { $realaddr = "{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.{$matches[3]}.{$matches[4]}"; } else if (preg_match ("/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'], $matches)) { $realaddr = "{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.{$matches[3]}.{$matches[4]}"; } else if (preg_match ("/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], $matches)) { $realaddr = "{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.{$matches[3]}.{$matches[4]}"; } else if (preg_match ("/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], $matches)) { $realaddr = "{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.{$matches[3]}.{$matches[4]}"; } else if (preg_match ("/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_SP_HOST'], $matches)) { $realaddr = "{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.{$matches[3]}.{$matches[4]}"; } else if (preg_match ("/.*\sfor\s(.+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'], $matches)) { $realhost = $matches[1]; } else if (preg_match ("/\-\@(.+)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_FROM'], $matches)) { $realhost = $matches[1]; } if (!$realaddr and $realhost) { $realaddr = gethostbyname ($realhost); } } return array($addr, $host, $proxyflg, $realaddr, $realhost); } /** * プロテクトコード生成 * * @access public * @param Integer $timestamp タイムスタンプ * @param Boolean $limithost 同一ホストチェックをするかどうか * @return String プロテクトコード(英数12文字) */ function pcode($timestamp = 0, $limithost = TRUE) { if (!$timestamp) { $timestamp = CURRENT_TIME; } $ukey = 0; if ($limithost) { $remoteaddr = ''; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { $remoteaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $addrdec = @explode ('.', $remoteaddr); $ukey = @array_sum($addrdec) * @bindec(@decbin($addrdec[0]) ^ @decbin($addrdec[1]) & @decbin($addrdec[2]) ^ @decbin($addrdec[3])); } $basecode = dechex ($timestamp + $ukey); $cryptcode = crypt ($basecode . substr($this->c['ADMINPOST'], -4), substr($this->c['ADMINPOST'], -4) . $basecode); $cryptcode = substr (preg_replace ("/\W/", "", $cryptcode), -4); $pcode = dechex ($timestamp) . $cryptcode; return $pcode; } /** * プロテクトコード照合 * * @access public * @param String $pcode プロテクトコード(英数12文字) * @param Boolean $limithost 同一ホストチェックをするかどうか * @return Integer タイムスタンプ */ function pcode_verify($pcode, $limithost = TRUE) { if (strlen($pcode) != 12) { return; } $timestamphex = substr($pcode, 0, 8); $cryptcode = substr($pcode, 8, 4); $ukey = 0; if ($limithost) { $remoteaddr = ''; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { $remoteaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $addrdec = @explode ('.', $remoteaddr); $ukey = @array_sum($addrdec) * @bindec(@decbin($addrdec[0]) ^ @decbin($addrdec[1]) & @decbin($addrdec[2]) ^ @decbin($addrdec[3])); } $timestamp = hexdec ($timestamphex); $basecode = dechex ($timestamp + $ukey); $verifycode = crypt ($basecode . substr($this->c['ADMINPOST'], -4), substr($this->c['ADMINPOST'], -4) . $basecode); $verifycode = substr (preg_replace ("/\W/", "", $verifycode), -4); if ($cryptcode != $verifycode) { return; } return $timestamp; } /** * チェックボックス用 フラグ出力処理 * * @access public * @param Integer $flag チェックボックスフラグ * @return String チェックボックス用文字列 */ function chkval($flag = 0, $attrvalue = FALSE) { if ($flag) { if ($attrvalue) { return 'checked'; } else { return ' checked="checked"'; } } } /** * HTML表示用エスケープ * * @access public * @param String $value 元の文字列 * @return String エスケープ処理後文字列 */ function html_escape($value) { if ($value == '') { return $value; } #$value = strtr($value, "+", " "); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); } # 一時的にEUCに変換して文字化けを回避 if (!preg_match("/^\w+$/", $value)) { #$value_euc = JcodeConvert($value, 2, 1); #$value_euc = htmlentities($value_euc, ENT_QUOTES, 'EUC-JP'); #$value = JcodeConvert($value_euc, 1, 2); $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES); } $value = str_replace("\015\012", "\015", $value); $value = str_replace("\012", "\015", $value); $value = str_replace("\015$", "", $value); $value = str_replace(",", ",", $value); #$value = str_replace("\\"", """, $value); #$value = stripslashes($value); return $value; } /** * HTML表示用エスケープ解除 * * @access public * @param String $value 元の文字列 * @return String エスケープ解除処理後文字列 */ function html_decode($value) { if ($value == '') { return $value; } # 一時的にEUCに変換して文字化けを回避 if (!preg_match("/^\w+$/", $value)) { #$value_euc = JcodeConvert($value, 2, 1); #$value_euc = strtr($value_euc, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES))); #$value_euc = preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/me", "chr('\\1')", $value_euc); #$value = JcodeConvert($value_euc, 1, 2); $value = strtr($value, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES))); $value = preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/me", "chr('\\1')", $value); } return $value; } /** * 時刻フォーマット変換 * * @access public * @param Integer $timestamp タイムスタンプ * @return String 日付文字列 */ function getdatestr($timestamp, $format = "") { if (!$format) { $format = "Y/m/d(-) H:i:s"; } $datestr = date($format, $timestamp); if (strrpos($format, '-') !== FALSE) { if (!isset($wdays)) { static $wdays = array('日', '月', '火', '水', '木', '金', '土'); } $datestr = str_replace('-', $wdays[date("w", $timestamp)], $datestr); } return $datestr; } /** * 数値文字の整形 * * @access public * @param Integer $numberstr 元の文字列 * @return String 整形後文字列 */ function fixnumberstr($numberstr) { $numberstr = trim($numberstr); $twobytenumstr = array ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ); for ($i = 0; $i < count($twobytenumstr); $i++) { $numberstr = str_replace($twobytenumstr[$i], "$i", $numberstr); } if (is_numeric ($numberstr)) { return $numberstr; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * リンク文字列のエスケープ * * XSS脆弱性への対応処理です * * @access public * @param Integer $numberstr 元の文字列 * @return String エスケープ処理後文字列 */ function escape_url($src_url) { $src_url = preg_replace("/script:/i", "script", $src_url); $src_url = urlencode($src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%2F", "/", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%3A", ":", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%3D", "=", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%23", "#", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%26", "&", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%3B", ";", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%3F", "?", $src_url); $src_url = str_replace ("%25", "%", $src_url); return $src_url; } /** * 画像タグをリンクに変換 * * @access public * @param String $value 元の文字列 * @return String タグ変換後文字列 */ function conv_imgtag ($value) { if ($value == '') { return $value; } while (preg_match("/(]+>)]+)>(<\/a>)/i", $value, $matches)) { if (preg_match("/alt=\"([^\"]+)\"/", $matches[2], $submatches)) { $altvalue = $submatches[1]; } else if (preg_match("/src=\"([^\"]+)\"/", $matches[2], $submatches)) { $altvalue = substr($submatches[1], strrpos($submatches[1], '/')); } $value = str_replace($matches[0], " [{$matches[1]}{$altvalue}{$matches[3]}] ", $value); } return $value; } /** * 16進文字列6文字をbase64エンコード * * @access public * @param String $inputhex 16進文字列6文字 * @return String base64文字列4文字 */ function threebytehex_base64($inputhex) { $inputdec = hexdec($inputhex); $a = floor($inputdec / 262144); $tmp_a = $inputdec - 262144 * $a; $b = floor($tmp_a / 4096); $tmp_b = $tmp_a - 4096 * $b; $c = floor($tmp_b / 64); $d = $tmp_b - 64 * $c; $basestr = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_'; $base64val = $basestr[$a] . $basestr[$b] . $basestr[$c] . $basestr[$d]; return $base64val; } /** * 16進文字列6文字をbase64デコード * * @access public * @param String $str base64文字列4文字 * @return String 16進文字列6文字 */ function base64_threebytehex($str) { if (strlen($str) != 4) { return ''; } $basestr = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_'; $decval = 262144 * @strrpos($basestr, substr($str, 0, 1)) + 4096 * @strrpos($basestr, substr($str, 1, 1)) + 64 * @strrpos($basestr, substr($str, 2, 1)) + @strrpos($basestr, substr($str, 3, 1)); $hexval = str_pad(@dechex($decval), 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $hexval; } /** * microtime()間の時差を測定 * * @access public * @param String $a 測定開始時間のmicrotime()文字列 * @param String $b 測定終了時間のmicrotime()文字列 * @return String 時差文字列 */ function microtime_diff($a, $b) { list($a_dec, $a_sec) = explode(" ", $a); list($b_dec, $b_sec) = explode(" ", $b); return $b_sec - $a_sec + $b_dec - $a_dec; } /** * ファイルから行を取得 * * @access public * @param Integer $fh ファイルポインタ * @param Integer $maxbuffersize 読み込みバッファサイズ * @return String 行文字列 */ function fgetline(&$fh, $maxbuffersize = 16000) { $line = ''; do { $line .= fgets($fh, $maxbuffersize); } while (strrpos($line, "\n") === FALSE and !feof($fh)); return strlen ($line) == 0 ? FALSE : $line; } /** * 携帯電話等機種判定 * @param Boolean $checkaddr IPアドレス帯域チェック有無 */ function get_uatype($checkaddr = TRUE) { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (!$agent) { return; } /* iモード IPアドレス帯域 User-Agent DoCoMo/1.0/D501i DoCoMo/1.0/SO212i/c10/TB DoCoMo/2.0 N2051(c100;TB) */ if (preg_match("/^DoCoMo\//", $agent)) { if ($checkaddr) { foreach (array( '', '', '', ) as $cidraddr) { if (Func::checkiprange($cidraddr, $addr)) { return 'i'; } } return; } else { return 'i'; } } /* EZweb IPアドレス帯域 User-Agent KDDI-HI21 UP.Browser/ MMP/1.1 UP.Browser/3.01-HI02 UP.Link/ */ else if (preg_match("/UP.Browser\//", $agent)) { if ($checkaddr) { foreach (array( '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ) as $cidraddr) { if (Func::checkiprange($cidraddr, $addr)) { if (preg_match("/^KDDI-/", $agent)) { return 'i'; } else { return 'h'; } } } return; } else { if (preg_match("/^KDDI-/", $agent)) { return 'i'; } else { return 'h'; } } } } /** * 指定のIPアドレス帯域にIPアドレスがあるかチェックする * @param String $cidraddr CIDR形式のIPアドレス帯域(例: * @param String $checkaddr チェックするIPアドレス(例: * @return Boolean 結果 */ function checkiprange($cidraddr, $checkaddr) { list($netaddr, $cidrmask) = explode("/", $cidraddr); $netaddr_long = ip2long($netaddr); $cidrmask = pow(2, 32 - $cidrmask) - 1; $bits1 = str_pad(decbin($netaddr_long), 32, "0", "STR_PAD_LEFT"); $bits2 = str_pad(decbin($cidrmask), 32, "0", "STR_PAD_LEFT"); $final = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) { if ($bits1[$i] == $bits2[$i]) { $final .= $bits1[$i]; } if ($bits1[$i] == 1 and $bits2[$i] == 0) { $final .= $bits1[$i]; } if ($bits1[$i] == 0 and $bits2[$i] == 1) { $final .= $bits2[$i]; } } $final_long = ip2long(long2ip(bindec($final))); $checkaddr_long = ip2long($checkaddr); if ($checkaddr_long >= $netaddr_long and $checkaddr_long <= $final_long) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * ホスト名のパターンリストマッチ * * @access public * @param Array $hostlist ホスト名のパターンリスト * @return Boolean マッチ有無 */ function hostname_match($hostlist,$hostagent) { if (!$hostlist or !is_array($hostlist)) { return; } $hit = FALSE; list ($addr, $host, $proxyflg, $realaddr, $realhost) = Func::getuserenv(); $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; foreach ($hostlist as $hostpattern) { foreach ($hostagent as $hostagentpattern) { if ((preg_match("/$hostpattern/", $host) or preg_match("/$hostpattern/", $realhost)) and preg_match("/$hostagentpattern/", $agent)) { $hit = TRUE; break; } } } return $hit; } /** * デバッグ用 * */ function debugwrite($debugstr, $printdate = TRUE, $debugfile = "debug.txt") { $fhdebug = @fopen($debugfile, "ab"); if (!$fhdebug) { return; } flock ($fhdebug, 2); if ($printdate) { fwrite ($fhdebug, date("Y/m/d H:i:s\t (T)", CURRENT_TIME)); } fwrite ($fhdebug, "$debugstr\n"); flock ($fhdebug, 3); fclose ($fhdebug); } } /* end of class Func */ ?>